
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chicken Porridge with Vegetables

I haven’t made this type of jook in so long…since Munchkin was a baby?   

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1 small chicken breast
  • 1/2  CUP white rice, 1/2 CUP sweet rice
  • 6 CUPS of various chopped vegetables
  • 1 can vegetable broth
  • 1 32 OZ box of chicken broth
  • 2-3 CUPS water



We are a small family of three, so we hardly ever eat whole packs of any type of meat.  As soon as I get home from the grocery store, I saran wrap each individual breast filet and then store them in a large Ziploc bag with the date on it.  Whenever I need chicken, I just pull out however many breasts I need.  It makes cooking easier when you don’t have to defrost the whole pack of meat at once.



Begin by washing and rinsing equal parts white rice and sweet rice.  This was about 1 CUP total.  Let it sit in the water for a few hours to soften up.



IMG_9679 IMG_9697

Meanwhile, prep all the veggies you want to use.  There is no *measurement* for this part so use whatever you have on hand.  I also added some squash but forgot to take a picture of it.



Bring a pot of water to a boil and throw in the chicken and let it boil for about 10 minutes to rid of all the impurities.



Then rinse the chicken under cool water and just chop it up into small pieces and set it aside.



Now you can start chopping away at your veggies.  If you have a food processor, by all means throw it in there.  But I actually prefer to just CHOP, CHOP, CHOP.  There’s something therapeutic about standing in a kitchen and chopping away.  I started making this porridge after midnight yesterday and I was actually able to complete my MOH speech (in my head) that I have do next March.  LOL.



I then chopped some broccoli and threw that in there as well.



Some mushrooms…



Carrots and potatoes…



Start the porridge by placing the cup of rice & sweet rice mixture into a pot.



Then add one whole can of vegetable broth and bring it to a boil.



Once it starts boiling…



Throw in all your vegetables and the chicken pieces!



At this point, start adding some chicken broth a little bit at a time.  I ended up using all 32 OZ. PLUS an additional 2-3 CUPS of water. 

If you are going to feed this to a baby, skip all the store bought broths and just substitute with anchovy broth, real chicken broth or just plain old water.  I’m proud to say that Munchkin grew up eating this stuff and to this day, he’s still a pretty good vegetable eater.  =)  I would alternate with different meats and veggies, but pretty much I used the same concept for all his baby food.  I pureed everything when he was younger and after he started getting his teeth, I started to make his jook into a chunkier consistency.



Anyhow, just keep letting it simmer while stirring constantly so it doesn’t stick to the bottom. 



After about an hour and a half - it will get this nice, soft porridge consistency. 



I wasn’t sure how soft the food had to be for the person this porridge was made for, so I pureed two batches and left two as is.



Jook~ with chicken and a load of vegetables pureed for easy consumption.



Even though he’s no longer a baby, Munchkin will still devour this stuff.  This was his breakfast.



Tada!  It’s the perfect dish for infants or for someone who might have difficulty chewing.  You can substitute the chicken for beef, you can use a different broth, you can add a variety of different vegetables.  Some other veggies I use are edamame beans, corn, or even spinach.  Get creative! 


  1. yum! jook is one of my favorite foods :)

  2. for when munchkin was a baby did u make a batch & then freeze it into portions? if so, how do u recommend defrosting?

    also, did you make chicken broth for baby or use water?
    thanks =)

  3. @anonymous - when he was a baby I would use plain water since there's a lot of sodium in the chicken broth. As he got older, I used anchovy broth (just boil a bunch of anchovies and use that broth w/o the anchovies) and would use little bits of gook ganjang.

    I would make two large batches of jook on the weekends and then freeze them into little containers. Microwaving them for about 2-3 minutes did the trick. Nowadays with all the BPA scares, i would make sure to use BPA free containers.

    Hope this helps!

  4. So interesting! I was just telling a friend that I wish I could eat some jook! PerfecT!

  5. i needed a jook recipe for my little guy...this is perfect especially for the chilly days. thanks KC!

  6. Hello, it's me Aelsan from xanga and facebook! I was just going through all of your recipes for inspiration and felt compelled to leave you a comment.
    I wish I had more time to have done this when my boys were younger. I feel a little guilty for feeding them almost all gerber foods when they were younger. The weather is so cold here Dec. in Ohio that I think i will take out that whole chicken I bought last week and make a big 'ole batch of this. I have a bunch of veggies that needs to be used up anyways!

    I need to check out xanga, can you believe I can't figure out how do new posts?? LOL~

  7. I've made this 2x so far. It's nutritious and restorative. Great recipe! Thank you and God bless you. This website has been a great help to me.
