
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Noo-Roong-Ji (누룽지) – Burnt Rice Snack (?)

Hello everyone!  I know I’ve been MIA forever and ever.  This blog is always in the back of my mind and I often think, “This is the week where I will finally update…” and then another week passes and I find myself  doing other things.  =/  So again – my apologies first.

Life has been trudging along as usual.  I’m quickly approaching my two-year cancer anniversary and it’s unbelievable how quickly time has passed.  My life will never be the same, but my sense of normalcy is just now starting to come back.  There are actually some days I am able to forget what has happened – and those are the days that I call “good days.” 

There are more good days than bad.

Anyhow, I’m not cooking as much as I used to.  I’m not sure if it’s laziness, the heat, fatigue or a combination of everything – but I’m just not finding myself in the kitchen anymore.



This morning I awoke and after feeding Munchkin some miyuk gook, I decided to make myself one of these.  While making it – I realized I had some leftover rice and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to update my blog.  =P



Making noo-roong-ji is super easy.  Just grab a pan…



Fill a bowl with some water and get your rice scooper…



Turn the heat on medium-low…



…and then simply flatten your rice out like this.  Since Koreans tend to eat stickier rice, wet the rice spoon with water so that it doesn’t stick.  Press the rice down flat and then just let it cook for about 10-15 minutes on one side.



Flip it over and then let it brown on the other side as well.



I usually just make a bunch and store it in the freezer in Tupperware.



Whenever you’re ready to eat, just grab some and place it in a bowl (or you can just boil it).



Boil some water…



Add just enough water like this.



And then cover it with another bowl or use a lid like this.  Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes.



And you’re ready to enjoy!  I took this picture too soon, but if you leave it longer – the noo-roong-ji will be softer and the water will be milkier.  =)  I had to leave the house so this picture was just for blog purposes.  Anyhow, you can even fry the pieces and sprinkle some sugar on it too and eat it as a snack.  I’ll post up a “how-to” of that later this week if I have time.

I hope everyone has a safe and peaceful Labor Day weekend!

My little Munchkin is starting Kindy next week and it’s just so surreal.  I cannot believe my little boy has grown up so much.  =P


  1. omg...why haven't I ever thought of this?! Thank you! I love noo-roong-ji, but there never seems to be enough! lol

  2. LOVE IT! My mom always pours her hot tea over her nooroongi.....yum. I am going to make this for my daughter this weekend!

  3. lol my rice cook unfortunately is the old TIGER rice cooker that makes it itself as the rice sits lol i wish i bought a nonstick rice cooker

  4. Do you know how to make the cookie version w/sugar?

  5. I like 누룽지, too. It's yummy to eat with 젓갈.

  6. This is one of my favorite simple foods, but I didn't know how to make it at home until now. Thank you for sharing!!!

  7. I'm really surprised, this sounds EXACTLY like a traditional Iranian dish called tadigh (which means "bottom of the pot" in Farsi). It's made very much the same way, except done in a pot. That way you're able to cook rice and make tadigh in the same pot. I'm curious to try your recipe and see how the result differs from what I'm used to.

  8. We recently received several bags of the scorched rice from my wife's Korean relatives. I had no idea what it was and thinking it a sweet cracker nibbled on a piece but it had very little flavor. So I did a web translation of some description of the product on the manufacturer's website ( and got the scorched rice name and from there a quick google to your blog. It now makes sense, but I must say it does require a fair amount of seasoning: I used sesame oil and good ole go cho chang and you are off and running. BTW this is similar to a dish Italians in the province of Lombardia do with left over risotto, though I must say taking some of that creamy, saffron and cheese flavored stuff and frying it again in butter is quite a bit different from noo-roong ji. At least now I know what to do with the bags from our Korean family. Now you need to help me use all of the seaweed and dried fish they sent us. We can eat the 10KG of kim chi on our own....
